3 Tips for Small Businesses Getting Started with Social Media

So, you started your business, it’s growing, and you’re ready to take the next step and start your social media channels. Congratulations! This is a very exciting place to be in. Many business owners begin their journey with social media marketing knowing very little when it comes to what you should and shouldn’t do, so I’m sharing the three most important tips I have when you’re just getting off the ground.

1.     Establish your brand

Taking the time to make sure your brand is established is an important precursor to getting started on social media. Do you have a logo, brand colors, and fonts picked out? With many businesses that are just starting out, these things can be a free for all which can come across as unprofessional and confusing to your audience. Taking a few hours to work with a designer to define your brand’s look and feel can pay off big in the long run because people find businesses with a cohesive look and feel more trustworthy. Here’s a quick look at the branding board I created for my company:

2.     Have a content strategy

When I work with a new client, I always like to remind them of why they’re on social media in the first place and that’s to engage with your target audience. If you’re not posting content that is valuable to them – you can’t expect your account to grow! So, coming up with a content strategy ahead of time is essential for your social media account’s success. This can be as simple as knowing that every week you’ll post one educational tip, one testimonial, and one behind-the-scenes video or photo from your business.

3.     Be consistent

Consistency is key! Success doesn’t come from going viral – it comes from showing up online consistently and sharing valuable content. Social media is a long-term game, and, in the beginning, it can seem like a lot of work for a small payoff. Just like anything worthwhile in life, being committed to your business and your content strategy will pay off if you stick with it. Also, one more pro-tip: secure the same social media handles across the board for your business. If your handle is @BakedByMelissa on Instagram, look to get that on TikTok and for your web domain as well. This is helpful as your customers will know what to search for online when they’re looking to connect with you!

I hope these tips were helpful! If you’re a business owner just getting started – my calendar is open for a free consultation – I’d love to connect and see how I could help you!


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